City newsletter “Shi-hou Musashino” in 10 languages(市報むさしの多言語版)


ページ番号1026015  更新日 2020年1月10日

印刷 大きな文字で印刷

City newsletter “Shi-hou Musashino” is available in 10 languages on the free viewer Catalog Pocket.

 “Shi-hou Musashino” contains various useful and timely information and announcements to the citizens. You can read the latest and the back issues in Japanese, English, Chinese (traditional and simplified Chinese), Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese and Indonesian via the web link below or on the Catalog Pocket Apps.

Choose your language, click or tap on the article and the text will pop up. It's easy to read because you can change the text size.




市民部 多文化共生・交流課
〒180-8777 東京都武蔵野市緑町2-2-28
電話番号:0422-60-1806 ファクス番号:0422-51-9408